Parish Mission Explained 

We are rooted in the  Eucharist as the source of our salvation,

centered on the  Family  as the means of sanctification,

 and sent as  Disciples  to evangelize the world in the Truth!

Rooted in the Eucharist

... the Christian is a person who remembers: ... He continually says to the Lord: 'Yes, I want the commandments, I want your will, I will follow you'. He is a man of the covenant, and we celebrate the covenant, every day " in the Mass: thus a Christian is "a woman, a man of the Eucharist".

- Pope Francis

Focused on the Family

The family is fundamental because that is where the first awareness of the meaning of life germinates in the human soul. It germinates in the relationship with the mother and the father, who are not masters of their children’s lives but are God’s primary collaborators in the transmission of life and faith. Each one of us needs fertile ground in which to sink our own roots, a ground rich with nutritious substances that make a person grow: these are values, but above all they are love and faith, the knowledge of God’s true face, the awareness that he loves us infinitely, faithfully, patiently, to the point of giving his life for us. Divine love, which unites a man and a woman and makes them become parents, is capable of generating in the hearts of their children the seed of faith, that is, the light of the deep meaning of life.

- Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI


Sent as Disciples

The Third Millennium brings the urgent challenge of the new evangelization. True, it is not easy to proclaim the Gospel in a world which claims not to need God. Yet we are bound by the compelling words of St Paul: ‘Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel’ (1 Cor. 9:16).

– Pope St. John Paul II

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