In 2006, the parish completed a Parish Plan to direct our activities for the next several years. In this process we identified seven fundamental elements that we value as a parish community. In all that we do as a parish, we strive to demonstrate the importance of the following:
- Sacramental life
- Ongoing education and faith formation
- Active participation in parish life
- Being an integrated, welcoming community
- Compassion and service to all
-The vitality of Catholic Social Teaching
- Evangelization through proclaiming and living the Gospel
Our parishioners strive to challenge themselves so to continually grow deeper in faith through scripture study, spiritual retreats and small faith communities.
Guided by the principles of Catholic teaching, our community actively pursues peace and justice, and responds with compassion and generosity to the needs of those around us. The children of our parish have access to a parochial school, featuring a diverse student body, academic excellence and a strong faith-based program of learning.The parish eagerly meets the challenge of supporting our youth as active members through faith formation and numerous opportunities to participate in the life of the parish.
Saint Raphael Parish benefits from leadership that encourages the involvement of dedicated and talented lay people, sharing with him the leadership and responsibilities of the parish. Parishioners create a dynamic and vital faith community through the generous sharing of their time, talent, and treasure.
Background photo: Jessica Christian / The Chronicle