WELCOME TO Saint Raphael Church * Mission San Rafael Arcangel * Saint Sylvester Chapel
Meets Monday - Saturday; 8:00 AM (Mission Chapel)
Contact: tcashman@saintraphael.com
We all look forward to the time when our songs of praise and worship will resound once more within the church walls. When this happens, there will be opportunities for parishioners who have the calling to serve the church as a choir member. Singing in the choir will also provide essential training to become a church cantor, whereby parishioners will develop singing skills and a deeper knowledge of the Liturgy.
We warmly welcome parishioners who have musical abilities and can assist at Liturgies as a cantor, organist or pianist. We also reach out to instrumentalists whose participation will enhance the music for Sunday Mass and Solemnities - such as violinist, flutist, trumpeter and guitarist.
You do not have to be a professional musician to experience the joy of serving God through musical stewardship. If these requirements are met - commitment, dedication and basic understanding of music - the parish music director and music leaders will provide the coaching, mentoring or training needed to fulfill your musical role in the Liturgy.
Contact: music@saintraphael.com
This minstry is open to those men and women who are called to be proclaimers of Sacred Scripture at Mass and who are called to assist with the disturbution of Holy Communion during Mass. You must be a fully initiated Catholic (Baptism, Confirmation, First Holy Communion) and are in good standing with the Church.
Contact: tcashman@saintraphael.com
This committee is responible for the beautfication and care of the Church so to help parishiners enter into a deeper more profound worship of God in the Holy Mass. Along with a focus on the church enviroment, this committee is also deidcation to creating a warm and welcoming place for all people.
Contact: tcashman@saintraphael.com
Our lively parish Bible discussion and faith sharing group meets every Wednesday from 5:00 - 6:15 PM, via Zoom. No prior knowledge about the Bible is necessary, just an open heart that wants to know, love, and serve God and His people more!
Contact: Michelle Fontaine, mfont@aristotle.net
The Peace, Justice and Service Committee oversees all parish outreach ministries, advocacy activities and educational programs that foster an understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and promote justice.
Contact: tcashman@saintraphael.com
The Young Adult Group bring young adults together to foster Catholic identity, encourage community ownership, and to inspire engagement with the larger parish community. The group also leads several social activities and bible studies during the year. To learn more about the group or be added to the e-list, contact us by email.
Contact: (straphaelyag@gmail.com)
The parish altar society takes care of the cleaning of the church/sacristy, cleaning of soil altar linens, and sacristans. Sts. Louis & Zelie. Contact: tcashman@saintraphael.com
For more information about our parish faith groups please contact the parish office: (415) 454-8141
✦ Rooted in the Eucharist
✦ Focused on the Family
✦ Sent as Disciples