WELCOME TO Saint Raphael Church * Mission San Rafael Arcangel * Saint Sylvester Chapel
We are grateful for your donation!
Saint Raphael Parish is dedicated to the principles of Christian stewardship, as baptized people, we are called to demonstrate our faith through action. When we acknowledge that God is the source of all that we have, we show gratitude through prayer, worship, offerings and action-giving back our time, talent and treasure to God by sharing with others.
Stewardship is how we live this vision. Saint Raphael Parish provides numerous opportunities for its members to actively participate in the life of the church and we hope that this website will help you find ways to be good stewards of your gifts.
Saint Raphael Parish has dozens of active ministries that rely on parishioner involvement and leadership. There is something for everyone: whether you are young or old; well skilled or ready to learn; looking for a regular commitment or just an occasional project. You can learn about these ministries and ways to get involved by visiting the Ministries pages of the website or by checking the Sunday bulletin for current opportunities.
Regular support from parishioners is critical to our ability to serve our members and the community. The weekly collection and general contributions account for more than 80% of parish income. Just like any organization, the parish has ongoing expenses such as salaries, insurance, facilities maintenance and the cost to run its programs and services and we rely on the support of our members to keep the parish running.
We encourage you to consider participating in the parish’s automatic giving program, We Share. With We Share, your offering is automatically deducted from your checking account or charged to your debit or credit card weekly, monthly or annually, on any date you choose. Simply login to https://saintraphael.churchgiving.com select regular.
Areas of Giving:
✦ St. Raphael School - A second collection is taken up every first Sunday
- Funds given assist with the financial costs of school expense and tuition
✦ Building and Maintenance - A second collection is taken up every third Sunday.
- Funds given assist with the maintenance costs of our parish church, mission, and rectory.
✦ St. Vincent de Paul - A second collection is taken up every fifth Sunday
- Funds given assist SVDP with providing necessary funds and support to those families needing food and rentals assistance in
our local community.
If you would like to receive offering envelopes, please contact the Parish Office (415) 454-8141.
To send a donation by mail, make checks payable to “Saint Raphael Church” and send to: Saint Raphael Church, 1104 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901.
✦ Rooted in the Eucharist
✦ Focused on the Family
✦ Sent as Disciples