St. Vincent de Paul Society

Who We Are

The St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference at St. Raphael Parish is part of an international Catholic lay association that

helps people in need. We give assistance to families and individuals in the San Rafael community who are in need of food, rent, clothing and other basic necessities. We visit those needing help in the San Rafael community in their homes to ascertain their specific situation and needs.

We are also available from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Monday-Friday at the rectory to provide food for those in need.

Members meet two times a month at the parish rectory (the second and fourth Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.).  Each meeting begins with a prayer and a spiritual reading followed by a brief discussion.  The remainder of the meeting is focused on conference business, such as the specific needs of members of the community.


Inspired by Gospel values, the St. Vincent de Paul Society brings Catholic men and women together to grow spiritually and to offer material and spiritual support through person-to-person services to the needy. Following Jesus Christ and his disciples, St. Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frederic Ozanam, Vincentians share a deep concern for the suffering of those who are poor.  We recognize these facts and hold these convictions:

  1. Every human being possesses a fundamental dignity and deserves respect.
  2. Long existing forms of poverty remain with us: ignorance, hunger, homelessness, unemployment, low wages, sickness and addiction.
  3. Effective love for the poor proclaims the good news that God’s kingdom is at hand.

Home Visits


Emergency Assistance

One of the major activities of the Society is making home visits to those in need.  We visit families in their homes to ascertain the family’s specific situation and needs. 

This practice is based on the Gospel belief that Jesus Christ is present in the person who is in need. 

“What you do to the least among you, you do to me.”

         -Matthew 25

Home visits may result in helping a client with...

  1. Rent
  2. Utilities
  3. Outstanding Bills
  4. Furniture
  5. Miscellaneous household needs



New members are always welcome to join the St. Vincent de Paul Conference. 

Young adults and Spanish Speakers are particularly welcome.

Members serve in a variety of ways.  Some perform multiple duties, while others limit their participation to one activity.

Activities include:

·       Home visits

·       Distributing groceries

·       Client Intake Coordinator

·       Serving as secretary at meetings

·       Coordinating the Children’s Fund

·       Organizing Special Projects

·       Children’s Christmas gift card program

To volunteer, contact:

Frank Lindh



Barbara Beaulieu


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